Colour Free


wheat free vegan delicata squash cupcakes with carrot juice coconut frosting

I’m used to avoiding additives, wheat, dairy, eggs, etc. but it gets challenging with a little girl once she’s got friends coming over expecting “normal”.

I don’t do “normal” very well.

nevertheless, this time, I think I did almost normal pretty darned well (even the sugar content was off the chart on these babies – gotta try a vegan confectioner’s sugar-free frosting, now!).  the one thing I’m the most “attagirl” pleased with was the frosting.

carrot juice.

ok, hyper-carrot juice: I blendered three carrots with just enough water to pulpify them not too bad (no, I haven’t got a Blendtec or Vitamix, pity me), I pressed the results through a nut mylk bag, and reduced the juice on the stove until I didn’t dare go any further.  the results were a little off-putting visually (slightly burnt orange separated out like flakes of very old paint floating on the carrier medium), but tasted amazing: super, super sweet & carroty.  I added what probably was just shy of 1 tbsp of this carrot reduction to the coconut frosting and zammy!  look at that gorgeous colour!!  and no weird flavour profile.  beautiful!

and the kids gobbled them up (well, they were still full of sugar…)