sourdough pandowdy

berry pandowdy

berry pandowdy

the original recipe was called a “slump” although technically it was a cobbler; we turned it into a pandowdy.  mostly because we liked the name, and because we rolled the dough.  we’re going to call this recipe pandowdy from now on, even if it’s a cobbler with dropped dough, just because it’s so much fun to say.


the recipe works beautifully with 12 hours souring: just replace the 3/4 cup buttermilk with 1/2 cup sourdough starter and, depending on how moist you need to make it (i.e. rolling vs dropping the dough) either omit further moisture (rolling) or add up to 1/2 cup milk or mylk or water (dropping).  we used lard (we raise pigs) but coconut oil works great for vegan option; butter for non-piggy option. [edit: to sour, cut fat into dry flour & oats, gently incorporate the sourdough. next day, add the leavening agents right before cooking / baking]

sourdough for rolling

sourdough for rolling

K can’t do rhubarb, so we used strawberries from our garden, plus blueberries.

fresh strawberries

fresh strawberries


frozen blueberries

frozen blueberries

we also omitted the applesauce (didn’t have any) and it worked out just fine. we baked ours so the topping would get crispy. it was very nummy.

natural whole food cupcakes

sadly, I neglected to take a photo of the finished product.  they were very pretty.  something like this:

sourdough cupcakes

sourdough cupcakes

but more golden than orange this time, and piped in a swirl (not very well). sigh… it was K’s birthday, and I was somewhat focused on getting out the door than documenting my brilliance.

this one just about nails them all on the head:

✔ vegan (well, the cupcakes are, if not the frosting; that could likely be made vegan)

✔ wheat free (can be gluten free with appropriate sourdough starter)

✔ sourdough (nourishing traditions)

✔ vegetables

✔ no artificial colours

✔ natural sweeteners (other than whatever’s in the cream cheese! –  will try home-made next time!)

✔ delicious

sourdough beetroot cocoa cupcakes with carrot cream cheese frosting

carrot reduction 4 –  5 carrots blendered with juice of one valencia orange, filter through nut mylk bag, reduce until thickened like light syrup

reducing carrot reduction

reducing carrot reduction

roasted 3 medium beets (from Makaria Farm’s CSA), combined with some of carrot reduction as it cooked, and carrot pulp, used stick blender to puree; use 1/2 cup for recipe, reserve rest (freeze in 1/2 cup batches for future cupcakes!)

use Minimalist Baker‘s fudgy vegan beet cupcake recipe with 1/2 cup sourdough starter + 1/2 cup sunflower mylk (unfiltered, still has pulp) instead of almond mylk & vinegar

frosting use she cooks…he cleans’ recipe with 1/4 cup carrot reduction instead of maple syrup

carrot reduction

carrot reduction

wish I could show you the final results, but they looked good, and tasted great.  yay, me!

sourdough vegan cupcakes

my sourdough version:
1/3 c sourdough starter
1/3 c mylk
1 c flour (1/2 sorghum, 1/4 teff, 1/4 arrowroot)
sour overnight

next morning, mix 1 cup cooked sweet potato
1 ripe banana
1/4 c olive oil
1/4 c honey
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp each cardamom & cloves
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda

combine with soured ingredients
bake @ 350F until done (20 min or more)

result: pretty tasty, quite moist, nice little cupcake

Colour Free


wheat free vegan delicata squash cupcakes with carrot juice coconut frosting

I’m used to avoiding additives, wheat, dairy, eggs, etc. but it gets challenging with a little girl once she’s got friends coming over expecting “normal”.

I don’t do “normal” very well.

nevertheless, this time, I think I did almost normal pretty darned well (even the sugar content was off the chart on these babies – gotta try a vegan confectioner’s sugar-free frosting, now!).  the one thing I’m the most “attagirl” pleased with was the frosting.

carrot juice.

ok, hyper-carrot juice: I blendered three carrots with just enough water to pulpify them not too bad (no, I haven’t got a Blendtec or Vitamix, pity me), I pressed the results through a nut mylk bag, and reduced the juice on the stove until I didn’t dare go any further.  the results were a little off-putting visually (slightly burnt orange separated out like flakes of very old paint floating on the carrier medium), but tasted amazing: super, super sweet & carroty.  I added what probably was just shy of 1 tbsp of this carrot reduction to the coconut frosting and zammy!  look at that gorgeous colour!!  and no weird flavour profile.  beautiful!

and the kids gobbled them up (well, they were still full of sugar…)

“Happy” Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

multiple allergies, plus trying to heal “leaky gut” and reduce possibilities for problems down the road = very challenging at candy season.  hard enough for us adults; try explaining to a 3 year old why she can’t have that cupcake, or those candies, or… and explaining to friends and family why it’s not “oh just a little treat, it won’t matter”.

what to do?

here are some stellar suggestions/recipes for families in similar situations – I’m so going to try some of these!

ohlardy’s home made from scratch non-jello gummy worms

20somethingallergies’ a few really awesome non-candy sweet tooth alternatives

hellyeahitsvegan’s vegan pumpkin cupcakes with coconut oil frosting

homemademommy’s three ingredient maple pecan candies (I’ll try with coconut oil & almonds)

sealemon’s DIY slime (part I) and DIY slime (part II) for a completely food-free fun way to entertain halloween style

and my personal favourite: glow sticks!


An Ikea garlic press, with pressed garlic.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

desperate to come up with something to help K with a cold that went straight to her lungs (of course)

we’ve got a wonderful cough tincture (Usnea, Inula & Althea) from our medical herbalist

been working on potent acupressure points thanks to recent shiatsu sessions (when K will let me – she’s been so hyped with this cold that any touching in those points results in instant withdrawal reaction – I could manage some while she slept fitfully)

some herbal brews: mint family (cat nip, spearmint, lemon balm) plus fennel seed, rose hips, calendula, some late season red clover & stinging nettles; fresh grated ginger & turmeric & lemon slices

finally, last night, she was struggling with breathing & fighting a low fever, I found GOOT.  slathered that on her feet, chest & back a couple of times, and she’s almost totally back to normal today.

this is amazing.  this kind of thing (especially once in her lungs) usually takes K a week or more to get over to this point.  one night of the GOOT.  well, let’s see if it’s repeatable… you know it, I know it, we’ll get more opportunities to test it.

Sourdough PB Cookies


PB sourdough cookies


I can now make real sourdough cookies (i.e., the flours are properly fermented/soured; this is not just a way to use up “spare” sourdough starter) using a great foundation recipe from GNOWFGLINS sourdough e-course

and they are delicious.  can’t wait to get into some variations… maybe gingerbread cookies for Christmas?

Gizzard Goulash


gizzard goulash

after duck day, we have an assortment of “odd bits”. made paté yesterday with the livers, today I made gizzard goulash with the trimmed hearts & crops.

basically following Andrew Schloss’ Sweet Beef Goulash.  my changes:

the meat (poultry hearts & crops)
cooked in duck fat (not oil)
smoked paprika (not sweet)
cumin (not caraway)
about 3 cups of diced fermented onions (not fresh yellow)
teff flour (not regular flour)
maple apple syrup (no ketchup: rashy K is avoiding tomatoes this month)
addition of 2 diced sweet peppers (Chervena Chuska & red ruffle) from our greenhouse

Orange Duck Paté


duck livers briefly poached


flavours melding

duck day yesterday… stock on the simmer (“smiling”, not boiling), gizzard goulash tbd tomorrow, liver paté done

using marksdailyapple recipe as a start, this is about 1 lb of duck livers plus 6 oz duck fat, dehydrated orange rind, bay leaves, shallots & fermented garlic, and a couple of splashes of cointreau

we’ll get a chance to test tomorrow!